Impostor Syndrome

Impostor Syndrome.

Have you ever caught yourself having thoughts: 

  • “I am not good enough to do that!”

  • “I don’t have enough knowledge”

  • “I don’t have enough experience”, etc.

After these types of thoughts, you stopped following your passion, without even properly starting.

If you google “Impostor syndrome” you’ll find this meaning: 

“the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's efforts or skills.”

So, even if you achieve success you still will deny that you deserve it. Isn’t it just mad?

Unfortunately, almost all of us had experienced this syndrome. I think the main reason is that we constantly compare ourselves with others on social media.

On Instagram everyone is so perfect, everyone is super-rich, successful and happy. But I am sitting and waiting here, scared to start doing anything...and here come excuses:

  • I don’t have a proper education,

  • I don’t have any experience,

  • I don’t have money,

  • I am not beautiful, fit, tall ENOUGH, etc.

After a while, you create too many excuses in your head that it is easier just to forget about it all and just don’t start what you wanted to start in the first place.

Let’s see WHAT YOU CAN DO to stop Impostor syndrome:

1) Stop complaining about yourself to others.

 There always will be someone more successful than you. Trust me, ALWAYS! So please, just stop doing that.

2) Make a list of your achievements.

Every single person has achievements. And we all have different ones, but we do have them 100 %. Take a piece of paper and write down at least 20 of them.

3) What is your forte?

Here you have to make a list again and write at least 20 things you think you are good at. Trust me you have them. If you can’t come up with them by yourself, ask your closest people to help you out.

4) Remember what good you’ve done in your life already, and whom you’ve helped?

Try to find any situation in your life, where you helped others, even if it was the tiniest thing.

It is easy to stop having Imposter syndrome! Do all the steps written above and you’ll see how your attitude will change towards yourself.

Good luck, my Dear!


The power of “Letting go”